Python API

Pumping Station Mixin

class rtctools_hydraulic_structures.pumping_station_mixin.PumpingStationMixin(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rtctools.optimization.optimization_problem.OptimizationProblem

Adds handling of PumpingStation objects in your model to your optimization problem.

Relevant parameters and variables are read from the model, and from this data a set of constraints and objectives are automatically generated to minimize cost.

If historical data regarding the status of the pumps is provided, this information is used to ensure that the minimum amount of time a pump must be on / off is respected.

pumping_stations() → List[rtctools_hydraulic_structures.pumping_station_mixin.PumpingStation][source]

User problem returns list of PumpingStation objects.

Returns:A list of pumping stations.
pumpingstation_cache_hq_subproblem = True

Use pickle to cache the HQ subproblems that are solved.

pumpingstation_energy_price_symbol = 'energy_price'

Energy price symbol to use if no symbol specified per pumping station or per pump.

class rtctools_hydraulic_structures.pumping_station_mixin.Pump(optimization_problem, symbol, energy_price_symbol, semi_continuous=None, status_history=None)[source]

Bases: rtctools_hydraulic_structures.util._ObjectParameterWrapper

Python Pump object as an interface to the Pump object in the model.

__init__(optimization_problem, symbol, energy_price_symbol, semi_continuous=None, status_history=None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Get the state corresponding to the pump discharge.

Returns:MX expression of the pump discharge.

Get the state corresponding to the pump head. This depends on the head_option that was specified by the user.

Returns:MX expression of the pump head.
class rtctools_hydraulic_structures.pumping_station_mixin.Resistance(optimization_problem, symbol)[source]

Bases: rtctools_hydraulic_structures.util._ObjectParameterWrapper

Python Resistance object as an interface to the Resistance object in the model.

__init__(optimization_problem, symbol)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Get the state corresponding to the discharge through the resistance.

Returns:MX expression of the discharge.

Get the state corresponding to the head loss over the resistance.

Returns:MX expression of the head loss.
class rtctools_hydraulic_structures.pumping_station_mixin.PumpingStation(optimization_problem: rtctools.optimization.optimization_problem.OptimizationProblem, symbol: str, pump_symbols: List[str] = None, energy_price_symbols: Union[str, List[str]] = None, semi_continuous: Union[str, List[str]] = None, status_history: Union[str, List[str]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rtctools_hydraulic_structures.util._ObjectParameterWrapper

Python PumpingStation object as an interface to the PumpingStation object in the model.

__init__(optimization_problem: rtctools.optimization.optimization_problem.OptimizationProblem, symbol: str, pump_symbols: List[str] = None, energy_price_symbols: Union[str, List[str]] = None, semi_continuous: Union[str, List[str]] = None, status_history: Union[str, List[str]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize the pumping station object.

  • optimization_problemOptimizationProblem instance.
  • symbol – Symbol name of the pumping station in the model.
  • pump_symbols – Symbol names of the pumps in the pumping station.
  • energy_price_symbols – String or list of names of the energy price’s time series of the pumps in the pumping station.
  • semi_continuous – String or list of names of the constant input indicating use of the semi-continuous approach
  • status_history – String or list of names of the pump status history time series. If string, one can use e.g. “{pump}_status_hist” to map to “pumpingstation1.pump1_status_hist”, with “pumpingstation1.pump1” the pump symbol.
pumps() → List[rtctools_hydraulic_structures.pumping_station_mixin.Pump][source]

Get a list of Pump objects that are part of this pumping station in the model.

Returns:List of Pump objects.
resistances() → List[rtctools_hydraulic_structures.pumping_station_mixin.Resistance][source]

Get a list of Resistance objects that are part of this pumping station in the model.

Returns:List of Resistance objects.
class rtctools_hydraulic_structures.pumping_station_mixin.MinimizePumpCostGoal(use_dynamic_nominal: bool = True, exclude_continuous: bool = False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rtctools_hydraulic_structures.pumping_station_mixin._MinimizePumpGoal

Goal that minimizes overall energy costs.

Loops over all pumps in all pumping stations, integrating all instantaneous pump operating costs (and any start-up and shut-down costs/energy) in the optimization window into one objective value.

  • function_nominal – Nominal value of needed for scaling. Guessed automatically based on the power range of all pumps.
  • priority – Priority of this goal. Default is sys.maxsize.
class rtctools_hydraulic_structures.pumping_station_mixin.MinimizePumpEnergyGoal(use_dynamic_nominal: bool = True, exclude_continuous: bool = False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rtctools_hydraulic_structures.pumping_station_mixin._MinimizePumpGoal

Goal that minimizes overall energy consumption.

Loops over all pumps in all pumping stations, integrating all instantaneous pump powers (and any start-up and shut-down energy) in the optimization window into one objective value.

  • function_nominal – Nominal value of needed for scaling. Guessed automatically based on the power range of all pumps.
  • priority – Priority of this goal. Default is sys.maxsize.
rtctools_hydraulic_structures.pumping_station_mixin.plot_operating_points(optimization_problem, output_folder=None, plot_expanded_working_area=True)[source]

Plot the working area of each pump with its operating points.

Weir Mixin

class rtctools_hydraulic_structures.weir_mixin.WeirMixin(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rtctools.optimization.optimization_problem.OptimizationProblem

Adds handling of Weir objects in your model to your optimization problem.

weirs() → List[rtctools_hydraulic_structures.weir_mixin.Weir][source]

User problem returns list of Weir objects.

Returns:A list of weirs.
class rtctools_hydraulic_structures.weir_mixin.Weir(optimization_problem, name)[source]

Bases: rtctools_hydraulic_structures.util._ObjectParameterWrapper

Python Weir object as an interface to the Weir object in the model.

In the optimization, the weir flow is implemented as constraints. It means that the optimization calculated a flow (not weir height!), that is forced by the constraints to be a physically possible weir flow.


Get the state corresponding to the weir discharge.

Returns:MX expression of the weir discharge.