Source code for rtctools_hydraulic_structures.weir_mixin

import logging
import os
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import List

from casadi import MX

from numpy import inf

from rtctools.optimization.optimization_problem import OptimizationProblem

from .util import _ObjectParameterWrapper

logger = logging.getLogger("rtc-hydraulic-structures")

[docs]class Weir(_ObjectParameterWrapper): """ Python Weir object as an interface to the Weir object in the model. In the optimization, the weir flow is implemented as constraints. It means that the optimization calculated a flow (not weir height!), that is forced by the constraints to be a physically possible weir flow. """ def __init__(self, optimization_problem, name): super().__init__(optimization_problem) self.optimization_problem = optimization_problem self.symbol = name
[docs] def discharge(self): """ Get the state corresponding to the weir discharge. :returns: `MX` expression of the weir discharge. """ return self.optimization_problem.state(self.symbol + '.Q')
def _head(self): return self.optimization_problem.state(self.symbol + '.HQUp.H') @property def c_weir(self): # coefficient part of the equation return (2 * 9.81)**0.5 * 2.0 / 3.0 * self.weir_coef * self.width @property def q_nom(self): # half of the possible dischage return (self.q_max + self.q_min) / 2.0 @property def h_nom(self): # H corresponding to half of the possible dischage return (self.q_nom / self.c_weir)**(2.0 / 3.0) + self.hw_min @property def slope(self): return self.c_weir * 3.0 / 2.0 * (self.h_nom - self.hw_min)**0.5
[docs]class WeirMixin(OptimizationProblem): """ Adds handling of Weir objects in your model to your optimization problem. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # We also want to output a bunch of variables that are calculated in # post(), which we return in the extract_results() call. We store them # in this dictionary. self.__additional_results = OrderedDict()
[docs] @abstractmethod def weirs(self) -> List[Weir]: """ User problem returns list of :class:`Weir` objects. :returns: A list of weirs. """ return []
def pre(self): super().pre() self.__weir_discrete_symbols = [] self.__weir_mx_path_variables = [] self.__weir_status_bounds = OrderedDict() self.__weir_status_pairs = OrderedDict() for w in self.weirs(): # Define symbol names status_sym = '{}__status'.format(w.symbol) # Store variable names self.__weir_discrete_symbols.append(status_sym) # Store bounds self.__weir_status_bounds[status_sym] = (0, 1) # Generate and store MX variables status_mx = MX.sym(status_sym) self.__weir_mx_path_variables.append(status_mx) # Store all symbols together self.__weir_status_pairs[w.symbol] = (status_sym) def path_constraints(self, ensemble_member): constraints = super().path_constraints(ensemble_member) for w in self.weirs(): status_sym = self.__weir_status_pairs[w.symbol] status = self.state(status_sym) # calculate minimum possible discharge (weir @ max) slope_max = w.q_max / ((w.q_max / w.c_weir) ** (2.0/3.0)) q_min_h = slope_max * w._head() - slope_max * w.hw_max # calculate maximum possible discharge (weir @ min), using # linearized curve q_max_h = w.slope*(w._head() - w.h_nom-1 * (status-1)) + w.q_nom # flow should be lower than physical maximum and bigger then zero constraints.append((w.discharge() - w.q_max*(status), -inf, 0)) epsilon = 0.00001 # Here a small value, epsilon is used, write down the equation # status * epsilon < Q, with other words if the weir is "on", # this is the minimum flow. If the weir is "off" this flow can still be # present. So it should be small... constraints.append((-w.discharge() + epsilon*(status), -inf, 0)) # flow should be lower than max related to water level and weir # height constraints.append((w.discharge() - q_max_h, -inf, 0)) # flow should be higher than min related to water level and weir # height constraints.append((w.discharge() - q_min_h, 0, inf)) # flow should higher than physical minimum constraints.append((-w.discharge(), -inf, -w.q_min)) return constraints @property def path_variables(self): variables = super().path_variables variables.extend(self.__weir_mx_path_variables) return variables def bounds(self): bounds = super().bounds() bounds.update(self.__weir_status_bounds) return bounds def variable_is_discrete(self, variable): if variable in self.__weir_discrete_symbols: return True else: return super().variable_is_discrete(variable) def post(self): results = self.extract_results() # Calculating the weir height for w in self.weirs(): weir_wl_up = results[w.symbol + ".HQUp.H"] weir_q = results[w.symbol + ".Q"] self.__additional_results[w.symbol + "_height"] = weir_wl_up - (weir_q / w.c_weir)**(2.0/3.0) # NOTE: If we call super() first, adding output time series with # set_time series has no effect, as e.g. PIMIxin/CSVMixin have already # written their export file. That is why we do it at the end instead. super().post() def extract_results(self, *args, **kwargs): results = super().extract_results(*args, **kwargs) results.update(self.__additional_results) return results
def plot_operating_points(optimization_problem, output_folder, results): # This is for post processing, for plotting the flow and height of a weir import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np for w in optimization_problem.weirs(): weir_name = w.symbol weir_flow_results = results[weir_name + '.Q'] water_level = results[weir_name + '.HQUp.H'] # Calculating the working area of the weir hmargin = 0.25 * (w.hw_max - w.hw_min) hs = np.linspace(w.hw_min - hmargin, w.hw_max + w.q_max/(w.c_weir) + hmargin, 100) q_max_h_plot = w.slope * (hs - w.h_nom) + w.q_nom q_min_h_plot = w.c_weir * np.fmax(0, (hs - w.hw_max))**1.5 slope_max = w.q_max / ((w.q_max / w.c_weir) ** (2.0/3.0)) q_min_h_lin_plot = slope_max * hs - slope_max * w.hw_max q_max_th_plot = w.c_weir * np.fmax(0, (hs - w.hw_min))**1.5 q_min_plot = np.full((100), w.q_min) q_max_plot = np.full((100), w.q_max) # Plotting the working area of the weir plt.clf() plt.plot(hs, q_min_plot, 'k-') plt.plot(hs, q_max_h_plot, 'k-') plt.plot(hs, q_max_plot, 'k-') plt.plot(hs, q_min_h_plot, 'g-') plt.plot(hs, q_min_h_lin_plot, 'k-') plt.plot(hs, q_max_th_plot, 'b-') plt.plot(water_level, weir_flow_results, 'r+', markeredgewidth=2) plt.ylim(w.q_min - 0.5, w.q_max * 1.2) plt.title('Working area of the weir') plt.xlabel('Water level [m]') plt.ylabel('Flow [$m^3\\,s^{-1}$]') plt.xlim(min(hs), max(hs)) save_name = weir_name + "_working_area" + ".png" fname = os.path.join(output_folder, save_name) plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1) if w.q_max > 2 * max(weir_flow_results[1:]): logger.warning('The given maximum weir flow ({}) is much higher than the actual maximum flow ({}). ' 'This might lead to an unncessarily big linearization error.'.format( w.q_max, max(weir_flow_results)))